Modern techniques of rejuvenation recommended by experts

modern methods of skin rejuvenation

It is easier for women under the age of thirty to maintain a healthy appearance of skin, and at this age there are not so many wrinkles, but after thirty it is important to think about whether the skin will be so fresh and young, especially after a few years. . . Aging is a natural process that cannot be stopped completely, but it can be stopped. It is dangerous to perform any cosmetic procedure at home and you cannot do without the advice of a specialist. To do this, it is recommended to visit a beauty salon and entrust beauticians who offer the most effective methods to treat age-related problems, including photorejuvenation, biorevitalization, injections with vitamin cocktails, and so on.

Important considerations to consider before any procedure

In order to minimize the situation of force majeure, you should consult fully before the procedure.

All popular procedures are divided into groups, and both the process and the effect depend on it. So, after visiting the salon, a woman can be offered a procedure that requires the use of special tools. You can perform a rejuvenating procedure using syringes and special cosmetic tools, but there are also simpler ones, such as masks or chemical peels.

Of all the anti-aging procedures, the specialist will recommend the one that works best for you. To determine this, a preliminary examination and analysis of the condition of the skin is performed, defects are taken into account, and only then is a session assigned to them. Such a procedure as mesotherapy is popular today.

What is the rejuvenation process with mesotherapy

In order to rejuvenate the facial skin with this method, the specialist uses a syringe. Therefore, mesotherapy refers to the mechanical method of rejuvenation. The serum is injected into certain points and areas of the face. Typically, a rejuvenation course is conducted once a week. For example, depending on the condition of the skin, a woman may need five or even ten courses. This is determined by a specialist.

Peeling is also popular. The skin should be softened before the main operation. The more steamed, the better the effect. A special chemical composition is then applied to the skin of the face.

Plasmolifting and its benefits

If you want to achieve a 100 percent result while enjoying the effect for a long time, it is recommended that you register for a plasma boost.

This is a worldwide procedure based on rejuvenation using your own plasma. The rejuvenation course does not require surgery, starting with almost all people and any age, from the age of 30. The rejuvenation process is due to plasma platelets.

The procedure is completely painless. An injection is given into a specific area of ​​the body, according to Langer’s lines. The connective tissues then begin to function, triggering the mechanism of natural rejuvenation.

As we age, two processes in the human body slow down cell metabolism and regeneration. The skin becomes flabby, sagging, loses its healthy appearance and color. To begin the process of regeneration, you need to restart the mechanism of metabolism and regeneration, and this can be done with the help of plasma elevation, i. e. , the human body is injected with its own plasma under the guise of injection.

It is easy to get blood for analysis by taking blood from a vein. In addition, special equipment divides the blood into three parts: weak and rich platelet plasma, red blood cells. The separation process takes a maximum of 15 minutes, after which the procedure is performed immediately, which takes a maximum of one hour. Anesthesia is not required, but local anesthesia may be given if the patient has a low pain threshold.

After the procedure, small traces of bruising are visible on the face, but they disappear quickly. 20 to 1000 ml of blood may be needed for rejuvenation. The frequency is 2 times every six months. The effect lasts from one year and a half.

As a result, the patient begins to naturally and gradually regenerate the facial skin, bruising under the eyes, bags, wrinkles disappear.

Recommended procedure for the following procedure:

  • Exfoliating and dry skin.
  • Age-related aging.
  • Appearance of deep wrinkles.
  • Skin looseness.
  • When stretch marks appear due to heavy weight loss.
  • Ultraviolet radiation.

Do not eat fatty foods or foods with large amounts of preservatives before the procedure. The last meal is four hours before the session, before which we offer a hearty drink. The rehabilitation period is minimal, the first results are visible after the first session.

Based on the use of radio frequency waves

RF lifting is no less efficient. They are performed by one of three methods - fractional, bipolar and tripolar.

Additional procedures

masks are very popular because they are accompanied by pleasant, non-painful feelings. It is difficult to predict on your own which type of mask is suitable, this can only be done by a professional. Thanks to him, many problems can be solved. For example, reduce the number of wrinkles, make the contour of the face more expressive, get rid of the double chin. After the rejuvenating mask, the condition of the skin in the facial area will improve, the skin will be smooth, pleasant to the touch and have a healthy look.

However, not everyone can use such a pleasant and effective procedure as it has many contraindications. If there are open wounds on the face due to injuries, there are warts, large moles, purulent pimples, then an experienced beautician does not take such responsibility and is unwilling to perform this method of skin rejuvenation in the facial area.

If you need to refresh your facial skin, improve your blood circulation, it is recommended to use a popular procedure like cryotherapy. As a result, it can not only rejuvenate the skin, but also improve the functioning of the mechanisms responsible for protecting the skin. The peculiarity of the process is that it uses nitrogen, the temperature of which is one hundred and fifty degrees below zero.

Laser-based procedures are no less popular. Laser rejuvenation with red rays effectively removes wrinkles.